Nina Robenhagen Spring/ Summer 2012 - Mercedes-Benz Stockholm Fashionweek
Nina Robenhagen 是我比較新去接觸的一個designer,但已經留下好深的印象; 黃金、珊瑚、奶油色等配搭非常出色,衣服上每一個細節、lace 都非常精緻,模特兒頭上的花花頭飾跟衣服相當配合,營造了一種貴族的氣質。
Cheap Monday Spring/ Summer 2012 - Mercedes-Benz Stockholm Fashionweek
相信有很多人期待著Cheap Monday 最新的春夏系列,這個系例設計上沒有太大驚喜,都是近年一些流行的元素,輕柔的物料、牛仔布、金屬等,繼續貫徹平民化的設計; 我梃喜愛女模特穿著的透明鞋子,感覺很有趣,可以看見腳指,夏天油上漂亮的顏色,就算穿著鞋也能看到呢,哈! see more here
Iselin Steiro for H&M Fall Silhouettes Lookbook

之前已經為大家帶來了H&M Fall lookbook,現在為送上一眾OL都十分關注的H&M Fall Silhouettes Lookbook,相信所有女仕們都想可以打扮得靚靚上班,又可能不想她破費造衫,H&M 當然是一個好選擇啦! 這個系列formal 得來也不失時尚感覺,下班後參加飯局亦十分方便; Iselin Steiro 的演繹也不能錯過,我也梃喜歡她; She always catch my eyes!
Something Wicked This Way Comes featuring Magdalena Frackowiak by Aitken Jolly for Dansk Autumn/Winter 2011
Magdalena Frackowiak stars "Something Wicked This Way Comes" for Dansk Magazine #26 Autumn/Winter 2011 by Aitken Jolly, styled by Anders Sølvsten Thomsen.
Natasha Poly for VOGUE Russia September 2011
One of MDC’s favorite Russian beauties smolders in Lanvin on the September Vogue Russia cover by the incomparable Hedi Slimane. Part go go dancer, part vixen, Natasha Poly and her sinuous form divinely shows off Sarah Richardson‘s pitch perfect futuristic styling. Jimmy Paul‘s tresses and Wendy Rowe‘s rockstar makeup provide the final unconventional touch for this electric fall editorial. source from models.com
V Ave Shoe Repair Spring 2012 - Mercedes-Benz Stockholm Fashionweek
Mercedes-Benz Stockholm Fashionweek 開始了,我想最令大家期待的應該是Cheap Monday 吧? 不過今天為大家帶來的是V Ave Shoe Repair,其實這個品牌我也有點兒陌生,所以我去了造了一些research,哈! 這個品牌主打當然是鞋品,同時亦有衣服,其實design 也梃不錯的,很容易配搭的那些! You may visit their website here
Gwyneth Paltrow by Carter Smith for Elle US September 2011
Gwyneth Paltrow 從來都是令人羨慕的可人兒,年紀輕輕已經奪得多個影后寶座、有一個流著搖滾血Coldplay 主音Chris Martin 丈夫、有兩個小朋友但依然能夠保持美好身材,更有一把好歌喉; 我亦十分喜歡這位Hollywood 女星,最近她為Coach 拍攝廣告之外,更登上ELLE US 的封面,現在為大家送上內頁部份。
Daisy Lowe for PLAYBOY September 2011 (18+)
When it comes to nudity in her work, model Daisy Lowe is certainly no stranger or wallflower. Nor are other models strangers to Playboy magazine – we’ve seen the likes of Lily Cole and Lara Stone, while from another part of the fashion industry Karl Lagerfeld has tried his hand at photographing for the title. Yet the now-revealed collaboration between Daisy Lowe and Playboy magazine feels different to what what has come before in the realm of ‘fashion model does Playboy'. see more fashionising.com
Trend : Fall 2011 Trend - Colour Puzzle

差不多來到尾聲了,這一集我以"Colour Puzzle" 為題,這季又好幾個牌子都利用不同顏色作拼貼,放在一起,例如Chloé、PRADA、Balenciaga、BCBG Max Azria、DKNY 等都有類似的設計。其實近年來都流行「撞色」,來到冬季,「撞色」當然有點不太適合,所以他們改用了一些素色加上其他較為鮮的顏色作拼貼,冬日裡平實得來亦有著生氣。
H&M Fall 2011 Lookbook featuring Sasha Pivovarova

Chloe Fragrance Campaign featuring Camille Rowe & Imogen Poots by Inez & Vinoodh
Chloé 九月全新登場的香水廣告將找來Camille Rowe 跟Imogen Poots 擔任主角,前者是一位新晉的法國模特,而後者是身兼演員、模特的可人兒。這次Chloé 棄用Anja Rubik, Clemence Poesy, Chloë Sevigny 或其他當紅模特、演員,找來這兩位比較陌生的面孔,確實令我有點意外。老實說,當初看到這兩個名字真的完全不知道她們是誰,後來我去google 一下,原來Imogen Poots 是主演電影"28 Weeks Later" 的那個女孩! 看這輯電影時已經梃喜歡她,而我也很自私的比較喜歡她那張廣告相(笑)!文章內有一條短片,Imogen 有句說話說得很好,她喜歡Chloé 是因為衣服有著可塑性,而她更以"Foundation" 一字去形容; 這正正也是我喜歡Chloé的原因。
Giorgio Armani Fall 2011 Campaign featuring Sasha Pivovarova by Mert & Marcus
Armani Style – Sasha Pivovarova brings a mature elegance to Giorgio Armani’s fall 2011 campaign. In front of Mert & Marcus’ lens, Sasha sports the impeccable tailoring and sharp silhouettes from the label’s autumn collection. Topped off with a platinum ‘do and red lips, the Russian beauty makes a striking vision in the sleek images.
“WHAT LIES BENEATH” : Mariacala Boscono, Lara Stone, and more for LOVE #6 FW 2011/12 by MERT & MARCUS
Photographers Mert & Marcus and all-star cast Mariacarla Boscono, Saskia De Brauw, Kristen McMenamy, Anais Pouliot, Lara Stone, Guinevere Van Seenus, Xiao Wen Ju, Paul Boche, Jed Texas, and Angus Whitehead teaem up together to create this theatric editorial titled ” What Lies Beneath” featured in LOVE #6 F/W 2011/2012.
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