
Ylonka Verheul by Ceen Wahren for Vogue Taiwan July 2011

Mystery of Nature – Photographer Ceen Wahren and model Ylonka Verheul team up for the July issue of Vogue Taiwan. Styled by Emma Thorstrand, Ylonka dons elegant and suggestive pieces matching the murky and mysterious landscape. / Hair by Dejan Cekanovic, Make-up by Sofia Eriksen.

Crying for the LOVE #6 by Mert & Marcus

Super Natural – Mert & Marcus capture five of fashion’s most stunning faces for LOVE Magazine’s Super Natural issue. Starring Lara Stone, Mariacarla Boscono, Kristen McMenamy, Nyasha Matonhodze and Daphne Groeneveld, the stunning portraits use religious iconography and striking head gear styled by Katie Grand and Panos Yiapanis.


Chloé Fall 2011 Ad Campaign

David Sims photographed models Sigrid Agren, Zuzanna Bijoch, Malgosia Bela and Arizona Muse for Chloé’s Fall 2011 ad campaign, which features designer Hannah McGibbon’s last collection for the brand. Though the collection failed to impress the powers-that-be over at Chloé enough to extend McGibbon’s contract, the ad campaign may redeem it enough to allow her to depart on a high note. Read more thefashionspot.com

Freja Beha Erichsen for MO&Co A '11

MO&Co 最新系列lookbook 找來Freja Beha Erichsen 已街拍形式拍攝,早前在Facebook fans page 裡都已經發過一張相片; 說實,真的有點容易混淆,這個系例的風格跟Freja 平日的非常類近,完全地切合她的個性,看來又會有一班人追隨了!

Natalia Vodianova for Stella McCartney Fall 2011 Campaign by Mert & Marcus

Stella McCartney 最新一季廣告登場,再一次由Natalia Vodianova 擔任主角,與貴族丈夫後又要再次出發,投放心機在事業上(這個世界真的沒有灰姑娘); 回正題,我以前其實不太喜歡這一季的Stella McCartney,不過這個廣告拍起上來反而是挺順眼,又或者是Natalia Vodianova 美麗的面孔影響吧! (笑)

"BACK TO SCHOOL" by Terry Tsiolis for V Spain Summer 2011

雖然現在還在放暑假途中,不過我想已經有不少學生們厭倦了暑假沉悶的生活,好想快一點回到校園和同學們一起學習嘻戲(我也不例外); V Spain Summer 2011 找來了一班新晉模特包括較為熟悉的Codie Young, Ruby Aldridge (這兩位本人特別喜歡), Kate King 和其他新鮮面孔以"BACK TO SCHOOL" 為題表現如何打扮得靚靚的上學,十分有用呢!


Fabric that floats

The beauty of fabric that flows like liquid and floats like the wind can't be understated. Nor could it be more beautiful and visually captured than in this video which I know near nothing about, bar to say that it was directed by Ian Bonhote and isn't so much about fashion as it is about fusing music with movement and cinematography.
Definitely worth a weekend watch.

source from fashionising.com

Marc Jacobs FW11 Men's Campaign with artist Cerith Wyn Evans

有時候我真得不太明白Marc Jacobs 是攪什麼的..... 最新一季男士服裝廣告小馬哥找來了藝術 家、電影製作人Cerith Wyn Evans 拍攝,那些奇異的姿態、眼神真得令人哭笑不得,特別是那張Cerith Wyn Evans 先生用他的下體繫上氣球,真的有點兒...... 哈哈!

Loewe Fall 2011 Campaign

Inspired by Eastern culture, Mariacarla Boscono dons pale skin and a high chignon for the fall 2011 campaign from Loewe. Photographed by Mert & Marcus, Mariacarla reveals all with only handbags and jewelry to use as coverage.

Tao Okamoto by Lachlan Bailey for Vogue China August 2011

早前我們為大家介紹過名模Freja Beha Erichsen,最新一期VOGUE BEAUTY China 靈感取自於F王子的專題,日本名模Tao Okamoto 為大家演繹中性美態,一舉一動表現出小男生的氣質亦不失女性嬌媚。


Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty

Alexander McQueen,這是我們不能夠忘記的名字,他對fashion 的熱誠,為fashion 帶來的新衝擊,每一個show 都帶來萬分驚喜,他是近代偉大的設計師(artist); Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty 是一個為紀念他而設在New York The Metropolitan Museum of Art 舉行的一個展覽,展出他手下創作的一件件藝術品,展期快將完結,不知道這個展覽會否有機會來港(機會有點低),所以我為大家帶來一些照片,希望你們喜歡!

Raquel Zimmermann by Willy Vanderperre for Vogue China August 2011

還嚮往60's 嗎? 那是一個美好的年代,二次大戰的結束,起飛的不只是經濟,亦都為文化帶來了新的思潮,VOGUE China 八月號以60's 的MOD 文化以「現代騎士」為題,再次展現出MOD 的態度; Raquel Zimmermann 穿上Marc Jocabs, Alexander Wang, MMM, LANVIN, PRADA, Jean Paul Caultier 等完美演繹出這種特有的態度。

Mango Pre-Fall 2011 Lookbook

Mango 這次找來了Kasia Struss和 Emma Xie 拍攝最新一季的lookbook,最新一季的系列裡有條子、牛仔布、格子、皮夾、獸皮紋等一些近年流行的元素,一向平民化的Mango,這次也不例外,一如所見所有都是很容易carry 的衣物,非常討人喜歡,而我就想特別推介一下那些鞋子,既有classic 的,亦有豹紋等animal prints,非常容易配搭不同的造形。


'The Virgin Spring' by Julia Hetta for ACNE SS 11

一直都很喜歡ACNE 這個brand,她的衣服既漂亮又可以隨意配搭,這次特輯找來Henrietta Hellberg 跟 Hedvig Palm 一起拍攝,相片散發出一陣古典味,又有一種神秘感,非常特別。